Community Clean Up on Earth Day
Volunteer to Clean–up South Riding and build a stronger, cleaner, greener neighborhood!
Residents, local groups/troops, friends and family are asked to volunteer to collect litter and debris that has deposited or blown into natural areas over the past winter. This is a great opportunity for kids and teens looking to fulfill community service hours and get involved in volunteering.
When you have completed the clean up all trash bags should be left along the curb of the area you have cleaned and email Jennifer Burke at jburke@southriding.net with the location so they can be picked up later by staff. If anyone is in need of clean up supplies stop by South Riding Center, 42420 Unicorn Drive, 9am on clean up day.
Sign up here!If anyone would like a Clean Up Certificate email Jennifer with all participants names and any information regarding the group. i.e. troop name and number.
All Clean-Up participants are invited to a pizza party from 11-11:30am on Saturday, April 22nd, at South Riding Center, 42420 Unicorn Drive.
If anyone would like a Clean Up Certificate email Jennifer with all participants names and any information regarding the group. i.e. troop name and number.
Please send your clean up photos to magazine@southriding.net.
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Subscribe to the Volunteer list HERE.
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