The South Riding Proprietary Budget and Finance Committee will hold a meeting at 7:00 p.m. via teleconference except for the August meeting which is held at South Riding Center, 42420 Unicorn Drive.

This meeting is open to all South Riding residents. At the beginning of the meeting, there will be an opportunity for residents to comment or ask questions concerning matters related to the Committee’s responsibilities. Also, in accordance with Virginia Statute, the Committee may conduct an executive session during the meeting for specified purposes. The agenda may be found below, and any agenda packet materials provided to the Committee members will be made available to residents at the town hall.

1. Meeting Called to Order – 7:00 pm

2. Public Comment / Issues (Will the meeting be recorded?)

3. Review and Adopt Minutes from the previous months meeting

4. Review draft of Financial Statement by SFMC

5. Investment Issues

6. Bid Review

7. Discussion

8. Adjourn Meeting

*Agenda may be modified without further notice.