Over the years South Riding has been able to garner the attention and support of county governmental officials on critical issues facing the community.

Currently, the county is considering several redistricting plans that would dilute our influence and divide our community. It is our opinion that communities of interest are served best when they are represented as a contiguous voting district.

The Board of Directors urge you to weigh in with support of either of the current plans presented as Letourneau 1 or 2. Please send your feedback to bos@loudoun.gov  or through the online comment form (prepared statement for you to copy and paste).  Decisions will be made on the 5 plans that will move forward on January 18th, so we ask that you act immediately.

  • Those of us that live in community associations have a shared mutual interest on many issues. Focus on transportation issues such as Rt 50 disproportionately impacts the Dulles District. Western communities have different priorities. Speeding issues and traffic congestion are ever present in our community.
  • In the past, we were able to garner support for issues that directly affect property values. With support from our Dulles Supervisor our “NO Towers” initiative stopped high voltage power poles from running down the south side of Rt 50 and potentially down Loudoun County Parkway.
  • We have been able to raise issues and work on projects that have been of direct benefit to the community and our residents. As an example, the skate park at Dulles Multi-Purpose Center and the upcoming bike track in Conklin Park.
  • Of the 20 proposed plans Letourneau 1 and 2 meet our community needs most effectively and preserves our “seat at their table” when future issues confront our community. You can view the plans loudoun.gov/redistricting.

This is not a partisan issue as they say all politics are local and we need to preserve our local common interests.